Simple Viking Style Anvils
On March 17, 2016 by jaustinI’ve been trying my hand at larger forge welding projects and decided to make some simple anvils in a style common to the Viking Age. The anvils were presumably mortised into stumps fairly deeply to give them good support for hammer work. The main challenge in anvil forging is to weld a high carbon steel

Experimenting with Axe Socket Forging
On January 11, 2015 by jaustinOne of my longest standing goals as a professional blacksmith has been to forge socketed wood working axes in the traditions of northern European examples. In my opinion these axes are quite possibly the most beautiful tools in the world. The forge welding in these axes is complex and requires a strategy, tool-set and control

New 3lb. Viking Style Hammers (Forge Welded)
On October 23, 2014 by jaustinTwo new 3 lb. Viking style hammers are on their way to customers today. One is going to a blacksmith in France and the other to a friend just north of me here in California. Both have low-carbon steel bodies forge welded to high-carbon faces and peens. The process is very time consuming but it

In Pursuit of the Forge Welded 3 lb. Viking-Style Hammer
On July 14, 2014 by jaustinI thought it would be an interesting challenge to develop a 3 pound version of the Viking style hammers I was working on a few months ago. Those hammers were in the weight range of 24 ounces and made excellent, small blacksmithing hammers. It seemed natural to try a larger version which was for more

Developing a Process to Forge Viking-Style Hammers.
On May 8, 2014 by jaustinOver the last several months I have been practicing the forging of Viking style hammers with forge-welded faces and peens. I am gradually developing a set procedure and a set of proportions to make these beautiful hammers in various sizes. I have settled on using mild steel for the bodies and W1 steel for the