Axes & Straight Blades
Axe-Forging Needs Constant Practice
On May 9, 2014 by jaustinIn a few days I will travel to England to demonstrate Viking style axe forging at the International Symposium of the Axe ‘n Seax in the shop of Owen Bush. This seminar is devoted to blades of the Anglo Saxon and Viking eras. I’ve already sent many of the tools and materials I need will need to carry out the demo. Owen will make other tools to be ready when I need them. To prepare for this wonderful opportunity I’ve been forging axes for weeks to keep in practice. Above are a few pieces which were a part of this effort; These and other axes were forged to keep me in good shape for the work I will do at Owen’s shop. After I return to California in June I will finish them and post them on this website for sale.
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