Axes for Sale
On February 16, 2017 by jaustinIn 2016 I traveled to 3 places to teach or demonstrate traditional axe forging. They were: Ferndale, California (Spring Conference / California Blacksmith Association), Peters Valley, New Jersey (the PV school of crafts) and Salt Lake City, Utah (ABANA Conference). In each case I brushed up on my skills in the weeks leading up to the event, and ended up with about 15 unfinished axes at the end of the year. Now, in 2017, I am starting to finish them all and they will be available for sale! If you are interested in what you see here please PM me via Facebook or the message feature at and I can quote you sizes and prices – and send you pictures of individual axes. The edge lengths on the pieces you see here range from 2.4″ (Swedish style felling axe) to 7.9″ (Viking style broad axe).
Love the axes! I applaud your recreation of not only the axe styles, but the processes. I would like one of the collared axes if they are still available. Thank you.
Hello Kurt: I’m sorry I missed your message – I have a hard time remembering all the places where people send them to me, and I keep forgetting this website. The collared axes that I showed a in the post from February mostly sold but there is one smaller felling axe of that style left. It is almost finished and will list for $375. Would you like me to send you some pictures of it? Yours, Jim.